Total Medals Earned: 1,256 (From 134 different games.) Total Medal Score: 20,460 Points
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/265 points)
Lose on the first round
Reach a score of 10,000
Reach a score of 25,000
Achieve a perfect round
Hit 2 birds with 1 shot
Complete the first 3 rounds without missing a shot
Reach a score of 100,000
Medals Earned: 18/18 (660/660 points)
Watching kredit make me STRONG
Listen to a song linked in the credits
Where is he?
Stuck the landing
*Obnoxious Airhorn Sound*
You knew he'd be in this game somewheres
Wake up and smell the snow
Achieve the Rank CA
Achieve the Rank GI
Achieve the Rank IRO
Achieve the Rank PD
Achieve the Rank TB
Get a total of 101 fails
Find all 60 unique fails
Unlock every medal, then click the icon (ingame)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 4/13 (25/385 points)
Obtain the gun
Collect a coin
Murder an enemy
Beat the game
Kill all the enemies
Collect all the coins
Kill all the enemies and collect all the coins
Medals Earned: 15/16 (345/445 points)
Get your first coin.
Get 100 coins.
Get 10 coins.
Get 500 coins.
Get 250 coins.
Get 1000 coins.
Get 5000 coins.
Get 25,000 coins.
Get 15,000 coins.
Get 10,000 coins.
Get 7500 coins.
Get 2500 coins.
Get 50,000 coins.
Get 100,000 coins.
Get 75,000 coins.
Get 1,000,000 coins.
Medals Earned: 2/20 (15/395 points)
Start the game for the first time.
Beat Week 1 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).
Beat Tutorial in Story Mode (on any difficulty).
Beat Week 2 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).
Beat Week 3 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).
Beat Week 4 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).
Beat Week 5 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).
Beat Week 6 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).
Beat Week 7 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).
Beat Weekend 1 in Story Mode (on any difficulty) and unlock Pico as a playable character in Freeplay.
Press TAB in Freeplay and unlock your first character.
Beat any Pico remix in Freeplay (on any difficulty).
Beat Stress (Pico Mix) in Freeplay (on any difficulty).
Earn a Loss rating on any song (on any difficulty).
Earn a Perfect rating on any song on Hard difficulty.
Beat any Erect remix in Freeplay on Erect or Nightmare difficulty.
Earn a Gold Perfect rating on any song on Hard difficulty.
Earn a Gold Perfect rating on any song on Nightmare difficulty.
Get freaky on a Friday.
Medals Earned: 3/3 (15/15 points)
You went and looked into the Kickstarted, wow!
Medals Earned: 3/4 (85/95 points)
Finish the game
Just get 'em
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/415 points)
Start fist Level
Starts Out in the Woods
Found the Glitch Catacomb
Found the Glitchenstein outdoors house
start level 6
Find the Red Brick house
Medals Earned: 18/21 (575/825 points)
first Kill
Jump on 10 enemies
I can double jump
jump on a wall 20 times
touch the sky
Jump on 50 enemies
Collect 1000 skulls
Fiery Combo of 10
Find the hidden button
Jump on 100 enemies
Kill 20 Spikes in one game
Collect 5000 skulls
Evolve to final level
play for an hour
Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things..
Kill every big enemy
reach space
play for 3 hours
Kill every small enemy
Kill every enemy
Medals Earned: 8/20 (95/495 points)
collect 3 stars in "easy" level
collect 3 stars in "just level" level
collect 3 stars in "tutorial" level
collect 3 stars in "flappy bird" level
collect 3 stars in "just go" level
collect 3 stars in "upside down" level
collect 3 stars in "first run" level
collect 3 stars in "labyrinth" level
collect 3 stars in "down to depth" level
collect 3 stars in "fly away" level
collect 3 stars in "follow the arrows" level
collect 3 stars in "hard level" level
collect 3 stars in "i like to fly" level
collect 3 stars in "open air" level
collect 3 stars in "platforms" level
collect 3 stars in "tetris" level
collect 3 stars in "blood much blood" level
collect 3 stars in "christmas tree" level
collect 3 stars in "run baby run" level
collect 3 stars in "the hardest" level